EPBP Organizational changes

PRESS RELEASE                                                

Initiative on PET recyclability sees a founding member leave

The European Association of Plastics Recycling and Recovery Organisations (EPRO) have decided to leave the European PET Bottle Platform (EPBP).

Antoon Spiessens, Chairman of EPBP, said “We respect the decision of EPRO to leave EPBP. The remaining EPBP Members, Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE), Petcore Europe, Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) and UNESDA, will pursue the work of the EPBP.”

Mike Jefferson, Manager at EPRO, said “EPRO was a founding member of EPBP and we are extremely proud of its pioneering work on design for recycling.  With so much happening as we all work to create a circularity economy for plastics, we feel now is the right time to focus our finite resources in other priority areas for our members.  We remain very supportive of work of EPBP and wish it all the very best in the future.”.

EPBP is an initiative that for almost two decades has been fully supporting a circular economy for the European PET value chain. It provides PET bottle design guidelines for recycling, evaluates PET bottle packaging solutions and technologies as well as facilitates understanding of the effects of new PET bottle innovations on recycling processes.



EPBP is a Platform that consists of technical experts in the field of PET production, design and recycling, whose only objective is the evaluation of new technologies and providing an independent and confidential assessment of their impact on the PET recycling processes across Europe.
EPBP has established several test procedures in order to assess the impact on recycling of new packaging technologies. Products that pass the tests should not cause any problems during recycling.


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