Design Guidelines

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This work has been published by the European PET Bottle Platform with experts in the plastics packaging and recycling industry. The information contained in this document is for general guidance only. Any details given are intended as a general recommendation based on the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. It does not necessarily guarantee compliance with the different recycling schemes. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Users are therefore advised to make their own enquiries with EPBP, local recyclers or recycling organisations to check for specific and up-to-date information.

It is important to note that this is a living or dynamic document which will be continually edited, updated and expanded by our panel of experts as more information becomes available. This means that a certain product and/or material classification may change in future. Users are therefore advised to check the EPBP website for the latest information (www.petbottleplatform.eu).

We value your feedback because it will help us to develop this publication even more and to make it a useful tool for you and other actors in the PET value chain. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you think about EPBP’s Design for Recycling Guidelines, so please send your comments and/or additional  information to: epbp@epbp.org.

We call upon all companies developing new resins, additives, technologies and novel processes for PET bottles to bring their products to the European PET Bottle Platform in order to get an objective third party assessment of their recyclability. Assessment is free, but any testing will be at the cost of the applicant. For more information about our assessments, please contact us on enquiry@epbp.org.